First Prize
- Windows7 Network Icons and Vista DB Network icons Package worth $ 180.
- Custom Flash banner design from worth $ 199.
- Text link ad from worth $ 10 (One month) – for related websites only.
- 5 GB Linux Reseller Hosting and a 2 GB Windows Reseller Hosting from for one (1) year.
Second Prize
- Get any one brochure package from worth $ 149.
- Custom logo or WordPress theme worth $ 99.
- 2,000 MB hosting from for one year.
- 1000EC credits
Third Prize
- Two Joomla templates and sharepoint templates from worth $ 116.
- One year membership at Get free access to 6 product sites that have various products, such as web templates, brochures, banners, icons, logos, and illustrations for member download.
- Text link ad from for 1 month.
Bagaimana cara mengikuti kontes ini.
Posting seluruh review (seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini) termasuk konten dan link bersama dengan peraturan dan hadiah daftar di situs blog sobat. Untuk membuatnya lebih mudah bagi sobat, sudah dibuatkan file teks kodenya. Download disini. Cukup copy-paste di blog sobat hasil download yang tadi terus posting (menggunakan mode HTML). Dapatkan poin tambahan dengan mengikuti @mukhang_pera, @icongalore, @brochuremonster, dan @buytemplates di Twitter. Mempromosikan kontes ini pada situs jaringan sosial sobat juga akan mendapatkan poin.
A Review on,, and is an online store that sell high quality icons need for web development, application development, and other purposes. There are thousands of professionaly designed icons displayed in the website. The website contains icons suitable for various windows OS, such as XP style icons, Vista icons, and Windows 7 icons. They are further classified into categories to make it easy for the customers to choose the pack they are in need of. These various categories of icons come in five different formats, three states and in all standard sizes. Each of the icon package has a complete set of icons required for specific purposes and have be priced much lower than the standard market price.
The icons are grouped under various categories, such as Network Icons, Festival Icons, Socialmedia Icons, Vista Email Icons, Network DB Icons, Hotel Icons, Travel Rule Icons, Weather Icons, Accounting Icons, Navigation Icons, Travel Icons, Real Estate Icons, Ecommerce Icons, Transport Icons, Accounting Software Icons, E-commerce Icons, Conceptual Icons, Web Icons, People and Objects, Flag Icons, Multimedia Icons, Computer & Network Icons, Insurance Icons, Telecom Icons, Entertainment Icons, Medical Icons, Windows Theme Icons, Retail Icons, Banking Icons, Education Icons, Food & Beverage Icons, Object & Product Icons, Software Icons, Button Icons and many more. is a renowned online store for high quality websites templates. The online store has been serving global clients over a decade now. Over these years the online web template store has been transformed into a superstore with thousands of web templates in various categories and web technologies. You can find all kinds of web templates that range from simple HTML web templates to the complex Joomla templates that run on CMS technology. has successfully adapted to various trend changes in the internet world and remains the best online web template store to this day. The store has three membership plans to suit the needs of its customers. These consist of budget, standard and premium membership programs. The website also offer plethora of freebies and complete online support until your websites are launched. All of the services provided by the website, such as template customization, custom designing, content insertion, or even hosting are priced very competitively. Best of all the freebies is the one year free web hosting service offered to every new member. is the right place for people that are on the lookout for high quality brochures and flyer templates. The website has been serving its clients with the best brochure designs available in the industry. The online store contains all of the conventional marketing tools, such as brochures, flyers, tri-folders, postcards, posters, and even folders. These templates make it easy to create wonder working marketing collateral within a short span. The online store has flexible options for its clients. You can either choose individual templates or join membership programs of the online store. Membership programs enable customers to download unlimited number of brochures flyers posters, etc with a one time fee for a period of six months. The store also provides custom design services and excellent customer care.
Mukhang Pera is a blog for money-conscious Filipinos. The blog is a great source of information on the latest offline and online contests, promos, discounts, how to make money, and more. All the information blogged there has been filtered for the Philippine audience but readers from other countries can still learn a lot from the blog.
Win prizes worth hundreds of dollars from Mukhang Pera.
First Prize
- Windows7 Network Icons and Vista DB Network icons Package worth $ 180
- Custom Flash banner design from worth $ 199
- Text link ad from worth $ 10 (One month) - for related websites only
- 5 GB Linux Reseller Hosting and a 2 GB Windows Reseller Hosting from for one (1) year
- Get any one brochure package from worth $ 149
- Custom logo or WordPress theme worth $ 99
- 2,000 MB hosting from for one year
- 1000EC credits
- Two Joomla templates and sharepoint templates from worth $ 116
- One year membership at Get free access to 6 product sites that have various products, such as web templates, brochures, banners, icons, logos, and illustrations for member download.
- Text link ad from for 1 month
- Read the Terms and Conditions before you enter the contest. Your participation in the contest implies that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of the sponsors regarding this contest.
- The contest will run from February 1 to 28, 2010. Credits earned after the closing date will not be counted.
- To participate in this contest your blog should be at least 3 months old.
- Participants can post the review on any number of blogs but only one post per blog will be accepted.
- Post this review along with sponsors' ad banners, rules, and prizes. Care should be taken that the hyperlinks in the review are "dofollow" links and are live.
- You can follow us on twitter and earn credits as well.
- You can also post reviews about the contest on different social media sites to gain credits
- You can get the maximum credits if you write your own review about any of the sponsors' websites (,, or and
- Submit your blog entry URL, social media username, and twitter username and tweets by posting a comment at
- There are corresponding points depending on the type of entries:
For blog post - 3 points
For twitter followers - 2 points
For social media bookmarks - 1 point each (e.g. digg, stumbleupon, etc.)
Writing a short review about any of the four sites on your own and posting it on your blogs - 10 points - In cases of ties, winner will be selected using
- Membaca "Persyaratan dan Ketentuan"sebelum anda memasukkan kontes. Partisipasi anda dalam kontes menyiratkan bahwa anda telah membaca dan menyetujui syarat dan kondisi dari sponsor mengenai kontes ini.
- Kontes akan berjalan dari
1-28 Februari 201031 Maret 2010. Kredit yang diterima setelah tanggal penutupan tidak akan dihitung. - Untuk berpartisipasi dalam kontes ini blog anda harus minimal 3 bulan.
- Peserta dapat memposting di kotak komentar sejumlah blog tapi hanya satu posting per blog akan diterima.
- Posting tinjauan ini bersama dengan sponsor 'iklan banner, peraturan, dan hadiahnya. Harus diperhatikan bahwa hyperlink di review adalah "dofollow" link dan hidup.
- Anda dapat mengikuti kami di twitter dan mendapatkan kredit tambahan juga.
- Anda juga dapat posting ulasan tentang kontes ini di situs media sosial yang berbeda untuk mendapatkan kredit tambahan lagi.
- Anda bisa mendapatkan kredit maksimum jika anda menulis tinjauan anda sendiri tentang salah satu sponsor situs (,, atau dan
- Masukkan URL postingan blog, nama pengguna media sosial, dan account twitter dan tweets di posting komentar Win prizes worth hundreds of dollars from mukhang pera.
- Ada poin yang berbeda, tergantung pada jenis masukan :
Untuk posting blog - 3 poin.
Untuk pengikut twitter - 2 poin.
Media sosial bookmark - 1 poin masing-masing (misalnya digg, stumbleupon, dll).Menulis tinjauan singkat tentang salah satu dari empat lokasi dan oleh kita sendiri dan diposting di blog kita - 10 poin. - Apabila alam kasus ada yang seri/draw, pemenang akan dipilih menggunakan
Syarat & Kondisi
- Semua peserta akan dinilai oleh sebuah panel ahli hanya didasarkan pada peraturan yang ditentukan dan orang-orang dengan nilai kredit tertinggi akan dinyatakan sebagai pemenang.
- Sejauh menyangkut hadiah putusan panel pakar yang ditunjuk oleh para sponsor adalah final dan mengikat.
- Sponsor berhak: untuk mengganti hadiah untuk setiap item tertentu dalam daftar pada kasus tidak ketersediaan hadiah tertentu, untuk mengakhiri kontes sebelumnya atau memperpanjang lebih jauh daripada tanggal yang ditentukan, dan untuk menahan hasil dalam hal sengketa.
- Hadiah diberikan tanpa jaminan apapun, diungkapkan atau tersirat tanpa batasan.
- Penggunaan hadiah adalah kebijaksanaan anda sendiri dan risiko dan sponsor tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas segala kerusakan yang diakibatkan dari penggunaan hadiah yang diberikan.
- Pemenang kontes akan diberitahu melalui email saja.
- Jika pemenang tidak merespon dalam waktu 15 hari setelah pemberitahuan hadiah akan dilepaskan (hilang).
- Dalam hal panel menemukan praktek-praktek penipuan, seperti kecurangan, penipuan, atau praktek-praktek lain yang tidak adil pemenang akan didiskualifikasi dari kontes bahkan setelah pengumuman hasil.
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