Pengamanan email menggunakan address encoder, memakai image serta pemakaian reCAPTCHA Protection.
- Example Encoder Email
- Image 'xample
- Contoh reCAPTCHA
- Melindungi privasi kita dan menghindari spam.
- Tidak perlu register.
- Tidak perlu daftar (No Sign-Up).
- Cek email yg masuk bisa via RSS, widget and Browser Web.
TERMS OF SERVICE: By using this service, you agree to the following terms: Mailinator® and ManyBrain, Inc. makes no warranty of reliability or suitability for any purpose. Its availability or existence may be removed at any time by its owners. Any email sent through Mailinator may or may not be available for viewing. You agree to not use Mailinator directly or indirectly for any unlawful purpose. You understand that any messages sent through Mailinator are in public view and anyone can see them. You understand that Mailinator/ManyBrain has no control over material put into mailboxes. You agree to hold ManyBrain, Inc./Mailinator harmless from any damages caused by loss of emails, content within emails, damage to your computer or innocence from viewing emails, direct or indirect use of this system, or anything else you can think of. Use at your own risk.www.mailinator.comPertama-tama sobat agan silahkan buat alamat terlebih dahulu di Mailinator. Bebas namanya mau apa juga, kemudian rangkai ke widget berikut
<iframe width='350' height='250' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' src=''></iframe>
Replace YOUR-EMAIL-NAME dengan nama yg dibuat tadi. Ketika nanti mengecek inbox, akan ada tulisan Alternate Address for this Inbox!!!Jadi sobat bisa memberikan 2 buah alamat. Contoh yang Beben buat nih.
Check your inbox!
Name when i make it and this my alternate name Tanpa login bisa lihat email yang masuk loh bos :-O :)) Gunakanlah dengan bijak fasilitas ini :)
Happy email \m/
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