Unik bisa jalan-jalan makanya Beben Koben si bloglang anu ganteng kalem tea akan mengumpulkan variasi trik sejenis. Yang sudah familiar datang dari master blog Membuat Headline News Blog by Info Blog. Disana sudah diterangkan secara gamblang, agan-agin tinggal comot saja bumbu²ne ;)) :x Contoh effek...xixixi
Trik berikut Beben dapatkan dari Digital Gupshup. Kalau yang dari info blog bisa diclose, jika yang ini berefek marquee mirip diatas 'ntuh :D
Langkah-langkah add auto Scrolling HTML code:
- Sign in your Blogger dashboard.
- Go to Layout ► Add Gadget ► Add HTML/Javascript
- Open Javascript code Select all (Ctrl+A) Copy and paste in blogger HTML/Javascript window.
Script yg dibedakan dengan warna, script pemanggilnya. Sok silahkan berkreasi, dan tunggu update halaman ini guna mencari-cari trik sejenis ;)) ;)<script style="text/javascript">
function RecentPostsScroller(json) {
var sHeadLines;
var sPostURL;
var objPost;
var sMoqueeHTMLStart;
var sMoqueeHTMLEnd;
var sPoweredBy;
var sHeadlineTerminator;
var sPostLinkLocation;
try {
sMoqueeHTMLStart = "\<MARQUEE onmouseover=\"this.stop();\" onmouseout=\"this.start();\" ";
if (nWidth) {
sMoqueeHTMLStart = sMoqueeHTMLStart + " width = \"" + nWidth + "%\"";
} else {
sMoqueeHTMLStart = sMoqueeHTMLStart + " width = \"100%\"";
if (nScrollDelay) {
sMoqueeHTMLStart = sMoqueeHTMLStart + " scrolldelay = \"" + nScrollDelay + "\"";
if (sDirection) {
sMoqueeHTMLStart = sMoqueeHTMLStart + " direction = \"" + sDirection + "\"";
if (sDirection == "left" || sDirection == "right") {
sHeadlineTerminator = " ";
} else {
sHeadlineTerminator = "\<br/\>";
if (sOpenLinkLocation == "N") {
sPostLinkLocation = " target= \"_blank\" ";
} else {
sPostLinkLocation = " ";
sMoqueeHTMLEnd = "\</MARQUEE\>"
sHeadLines = "";
for (var nFeedCounter = 0; nFeedCounter < nMaxPosts; nFeedCounter++) {
objPost = json.feed.entry[nFeedCounter];
for (var nCounter = 0; nCounter < objPost.link.length; nCounter++) {
if (objPost.link[nCounter].rel == 'alternate') {
sPostURL = objPost.link[nCounter].href;
sHeadLines = sHeadLines + "\<b\>" + sBulletChar + "\</b\> \<a " + sPostLinkLocation + " href=\"" + sPostURL + "\">" + objPost.title.$t + "\</a\>" + sHeadlineTerminator;
sPoweredBy = "\<a target =\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.digitalgupshup.com/auto-scrolling-marquee-widget-html-code-for-blogger-recent-posts\"\>Grab This</a\> <a target =\"_blank\" href=\"http://beben-koben.blogspot.com\"\>Scrolling Widget\</a\>";
if (sDirection == "left") {
sHeadLines = sHeadLines + " " + sPoweredBy;
} else if (sDirection == "right") {
sHeadLines = sPoweredBy + " " + sHeadLines;
} else if (sDirection == "up") {
sHeadLines = sHeadLines + "\<br/\>" + sPoweredBy;
} else {
sHeadLines = sPoweredBy + "\<br/\>" + sHeadLines;
document.write(sMoqueeHTMLStart + sHeadLines + sMoqueeHTMLEnd)
} catch (exception) {
<script style="text/javascript">
var nMaxPosts = 10;
var sBgColor;
var nWidth;
var nScrollDelay = 105;
var sDirection = "left";
var sOpenLinkLocation = "N";
var sBulletChar = "";
<script style="text/javascript" src="http://NAMA-BLOG.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=RecentPostsScroller"></script>
Happy marquee \m/
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