Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

Selection Good Resources in Beginning of the Year

Sebagai blogger pendatang setia blog Koben, pasti sobat sudah pada tahu satu kebiasaan gue yang suka membuat postingan dengan tema selection good resources Jika kalian kunjungi links yg ada, maka dapat menciptakan ide untuk bahan artikel post ;)) Simpan link blog/web yg notabene memang selalu update konten! Ex www.codepen.io salah satu tempat front end designer playground para kreator code. Generated md5 passwords javascript sebuah tool generator password. Uniknya ketika kita membuat satu kata kunci untuk Site Name & Email used on site secara otomatis hasil generate pass tidak akan berubah. Biasanya kalau lupa itu pass, dengan adanya tool ini asalkan kita ingat Site Name & Email used on site maka passnya akan muncul! Pokoknya begitu :P

Berikut beberapa seleksi post awal tahun yg saya dapatkan jauh-jauh sebelum hari...

Keikai MediaRSS Viewer jsdo.it/murakame/zNy0 - Hue · saturation · brightness (Lightness/Luminance) jsdo.it/inu7771/mr28 - Google Maps API jsdo.it/buibui80/k1FP - Cat picture book jsdo.it/teetteet/dmIT - Get count of SNS of URL jsdo.it/teetteet/6o8v - Test of API jsdo.it/tkrkt/jsdoit-menu - base64 of noise transparent PNG image jsdo.it/teetteet/gkVm - Execute Source Image jsdo.it/teetteet/4KU5 - Test of do's tool is happening DOM is jsdo.it/elk/cHPO - Sentence inclusive of share futon want five + α jsdo.it/teetteet/7Lwj - GeoLocator STANDALONE jsdo.it/teetteet/aMkO - Simple scroll jsdo.it/teetteet/wlXn - Hyper cat type canon Mk.2 Ex with intercooler jsdo.it/sasaplus1/egax - Gradient Generator jsdo.it/teetteet/cQq5 - Fullscreen colorpicker jsdo.it/teetteet/hhCI - Link source code viewer jsdo.it/teetteet/58hW - CSS3 Tree jsdo.it/teetteet/tNwD - Tag Cloud jsdo.it/qiu.lin/wfhN - HSV Color Picker jsdo.it/teetteet/6bq1 - Two-color conversion of the image jsdo.it/teetteet/myu2 - Simple Whiteboard with fabric.js jsdo.it/yamineko/kOuy - ACE editor 3 for PC jsdo.it/teetteet/ixZj - Illustrator mock jsdo.it/han.kuro/vsz1y - Current position acquisition and display application jsdo.it/teetteet/9X5q - Good feel of form layout jsdo.it/teetteet/jYv6 - gct256.PerlinNoise jsdo.it/teetteet/pSUo - Text animation jsdo.it/teetteet/3BqQ - SVG animation background generation jsdo.it/reosablo/zU9F - Implement convolution (the convolution processing) jsdo.it/edo_m18/ta0R - CSS Tooltip On Click cssdeck.com/labs/csstooltiponclick - Checkbox styling in CSS cssdeck.com/labs/n8gvfch6 - Animated Responsive Skills Bar cssdeck.com/labs/animated-responsive-skills-bar

Rebound Newsletter cssdeck.com/labs/c9ik4c94 - JQuery Auto Complete cssdeck.com/labs/bxaleaxw - Icon in CSS cssdeck.com/labs/css3-icons - Treestyle list cssdeck.com/labs/treestylelist - Animated gradient cssdeck.com/labs/ojxtjupf - Calendar 2015 cssdeck.com/labs/calendar-2015 - Buttons and inputs flat style ui cssdeck.com/labs/m01fcolh - Styled Select Option cssdeck.com/labs/styledselectoption - Rotating? Menu codepen.io/tmrDevelops/pen/wEBmk - CSS Animated Search Box Concepts codepen.io/brandonkennedy/pen/yGjsi - The super fast Coolors schemes generator! codepen.io/fbrz/pen/aynlk - Pure CSS slice cube slideshow codepen.io/pixelass/pen/mGtfF - Drop & Down codepen.io/mgh/pen/dsqIF - Peeled Text Transforms codepen.io/Michiel/pen/OPPKMr - 3D Experiment Formcodepen.io/Ruddy/pen/MYwqrK - Pure CSS iOS 7 Bokeh Background codepen.io/marvinengelmann/pen/bNdawZ - Flat Breadcrumb buttons codepen.io/ShawnSauce/pen/raNXmw - Pure CSS folded-corner effect codepen.io/ravinthranath/pen/XJJWbr - Animated Image Changes with background-blend-mode codepen.io/dudleystorey/pen/emmzvO - Online notepad codepen.io/kimblim/pen/NPPZVo - Pure CSS browser mockups codepen.io/adrienjarthon/pen/ogjjoj

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60 Cool CSS Effects On Codepen www.uibrush.com/60-cool-css-effects-codepen

Happy new year <:-P

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