Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

Embed Video in Blogspot Comments Side

Hehehe...ternyata ada lanjutannya loh sob mengenai postingan yang Beben si bloglang anu ganteng kalem tea pernah bahas. Artikel mengenai gambar di komentar!!! Masih ingat enggak tuh :-/ Beben pikir tidak ada lanjutannya sob ;)) dan sambungan tutorial tentang ini itu menampilkan embed video biar pas diklik, langsung ada filmnya gitoooHHHH!!! Caranya sama juga kayak postingan sebelumnya itu. Jika ada sobat yg sudah praktekan trik/hack itu, tinggal mengikuti sesi lanjutannya saja :D Oke lah mari kita mulai saja sob... Buang semua javascript pada sesi menampilkan gambar pada komentar blogspot [..]
<script type="text/Javascript">
function commenthtml(string)
normaltitle = document.getElementById(string).innerHTML;

fattitle = "";
yy = normaltitle.length;
yy = yy+5
for( var xx = 0; xx < yy; xx++ )
nextone = normaltitle.slice(0,1)
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(1)
if ( nextone=="[") {
if (normaltitle.indexOf("img]")=="0") {
if (normaltitle.indexOf("[/img]")!="-1") {
doinsert = normaltitle.slice(0,find);
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(find);
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(6);
if (doinsert.indexOf("\"")=="-1") {
nextone="image";doinsert = doinsert.slice(4); doinsert = "<img src=\""+doinsert+"\">";

if (nextone=="image"){nextone=doinsert}
fattitle = fattitle.concat(nextone);
document.getElementById(string).innerHTML = fattitle;
Kemudian ganti dengan javascript berikut ini...
<script type='text/Javascript'>
function commenthtml(string) {
normaltitle = document.getElementById(string).innerHTML;
fattitle = "";
yy = normaltitle.length;
yy = yy + 5
for (var xx = 0; xx < yy; xx++) {
nextone = normaltitle.slice(0, 1)
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(1)
if (nextone == "[") {
if (normaltitle.indexOf("img]") == "0") {
if (normaltitle.indexOf("[/img]") != "-1") {
find = normaltitle.indexOf("[/img]");
doinsert = normaltitle.slice(0, find);
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(find);
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(6);
if (doinsert.indexOf("\"") == "-1") {
nextone = "image";
doinsert = doinsert.slice(4);
doinsert = "<img src=\"" + doinsert + "\">";
if (normaltitle.indexOf("video]") == "0") {
if (normaltitle.indexOf("[/video]") != "-1") {
find = normaltitle.indexOf("[/video]");
doinsert = normaltitle.slice(0, find);
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(find);
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(8);
if (doinsert.indexOf("\"") == "-1") {
nextone = "image";
doinsert = doinsert.slice(6);
doinsert = "<iframe width=\"468px\" height=\"350px\" src=\"" + doinsert + "\">your browser doesn\'t support iframes today.</iframe>";
if (nextone == "image") {
nextone = doinsert
fattitle = fattitle.concat(nextone);
document.getElementById(string).innerHTML = fattitle;
} //]]>
Gantilah tulisan berwarna width dan height pada script diatas sesuai dengan kolom komentar template sobat :) Setelah itu, jika mau menampilkan embed video pada komentar caranya sama dengan menampilkan gambar juga kok! Sobat tinggal melakukan tag link embed video menjadi seperti ini[video]http://www.youtube.com/v/xf9cT2Y7RCw?fs=1&hl=en_US[/video]How to get embed from YouTube website Screenshot for get a link embed from youtube

Nanti kode penuh akan tampak
<object width="480" height="385">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xf9cT2Y7RCw?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xf9cT2Y7RCw?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed>
Tinggal ambil saja tulisan berwarna merah itu. Lalu lakukan tag [video]...link embed...[/video]

Original posted: http://categories.blogspot.com/2006/05/google-video-in-blogspot-comments.html


This is other methode with simple and good ways Adding More Formats To The Comments Area. NO CLICK on function.

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